Sunny is undoubtedly a delighted parent of three infant triplets. The small Goldendoodle from Branford, Connecticut, cannot hide his fascination with the three additional family members. He stops by them daily to ensure that all is well.
Sunny’s Video Goes Viral on TikTok
Lauren Barnes, the new mother, published Sunny’s video checking on “his” darlings on TikTok. The video went viral very quickly. The charming video, which Barnes dubbed “cuteness overload,” has now become an internet sensation.
The video is among several others that Barnes has been posting since she gave birth to the beautiful triplets. Sunny has been featured in most of the videos.
Sunny Checking Up on the Triplets
The three triplets are in the living room curled up when little Sunny arrives to ensure everything is okay. The infants are only two months old. However, each appears to be eagerly awaiting their buddy’s arrival.
It’s a quick check-up that has become a cherished morning ritual. Sitting on an adjacent footstool, Sunny tenderly cuddles the first baby. He stays until he sees it is satisfied and cheerful and does this with each of the others.
He spreads his body on the couch to see the three small humans well.
After finishing with baby No. 1, Sunny moves to baby No. 2. He alters his position and stretches his body slightly more as he shifts to baby No. 2. The baby becomes lively and looks at Sunny brightly.
Sunny then moves his body to inspect baby No. 3. He kisses and smells the baby.
Noting that all is well, Sunny decides that he has accomplished his duty. He lifts his face and looks at the camera as if trying to assure his mother, Barnes, that everything is in perfect order.
Sunny then relaxes, trusting that God is taking care of his children.
Sunny is an intelligent and remarkable dog. Barnes shared another beautiful image of Sunny captured from another video as he was cuddling the kids. Sunny not only keeps the triplets safe, but he also keeps them warm and comfy.